Liberatory Business with Simone Seol
Let's build community care, social responsibility, and allyship into every aspect of your business — not as an afterthought, but as a core foundation. Because business isn’t neutral. The way we sell, market, and structure our offers either upholds oppressive systems or actively works to dismantle them.
We’re here to have honest, nuanced, and sometimes uncomfortable conversations about what it really means to run a business that is both profitable and radically principled.
Liberatory Business with Simone Seol
4. The Cookie House Strategy (a.k.a. why the time to share your work is NOW)
"Should I be showing up and sharing my work if I don't have anything to sell yet?"
My answer is an emphatic YES.
Waiting until you've got everything perfectly figured out to show up big + bold is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. By the time you have that "perfect" positioning or product ready to release, who is going to care? You'll be starting from scratch with no audience, no buzz, no invested supporters.
When you share your process from a spirit of generosity -- your unfinished thoughts, rough drafts, and learnings -- three powerful things happen:
- You attract a community of people who become emotionally invested in your journey
- You get real-time feedback that gives you 100x more valuable insights for building a sellable offer than "market research"
- You create the perfect "business card" that markets on your behalf, creates connections and opens doors for you.
Doesn't matter if you even have a business or not. Doesn't matter if you don't even know what your 'thing' is, or how many fears you have.
Stop waiting. Your work deserves to be seen NOW -- even (especially) while it's still evolving.
Join Truth or Dare starting March 20th, and I'll help you make the biggest moves to get the fastest results while building the emotional architecture to consistently choose courage over fear.
Austin Kleon's book Show Your Work